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27, male

Posts: 1

Re: Pending Application Forms

from TechnoBacon on 03/14/2015 06:43 AM

Michael Nathan Fallow
bOWL*Michael Fallow*Bowl


Born into:Dauntless
Initiate or not?:Initiate

Strengths & weaknesses:
+Level Headed
+Extremely strong will
+Very Agile

-Very short tempered
-Kindof Anti Social

Likes & Dislikes:
+Being around other people
-Being messed with when he didn't do anything

Fears & Goals
•Being the best of the Best

•Going insane

Parents:John Fallow, Melissa Fallow

Siblings:James Fallow

Choosen Faction:Dauntless
Distinguishable Marking (If applicable):

Weapon of Choice (If applicable):Bow and Arrow

Describe your character's personality with 50 words minimum:Michael is very quiet, he's the type of person that doesn't strike unless he has to or really gets mad. Despite all of this he's one of the most sweethearted people you'll ever meet. All of this shows through when he fights, he shows no mercy when he beats someone up but he will never murder another person. 

Character's background:Michael was brought up in a loving family even though he was abused and beaten up by his older brother. 

Aptitude test results:Divergent

Played By:Techno Bacon/Amir Kinard

Anything else you would like to add:He's turning 17 soon. 


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