Welcome to Chicago,

where society has divided into five factions.

Each faction, dedicated to a cultivation of a particular virtue;

The Selfless, known as Abnegation. The leading faction, they put their people before themselves and give.

The Intellegent, known as Erudite. The well educated faction that values knowledge above all else.

The Brave & Daring, known as Dauntless. The city's soldiers, protectors, yet wildest people of all factions.

The Peaceful, known as Amity. The kindest people of all factions who values peace above all else.

The Honest, known as Candor. The most truthful people whom value honesty above all else.

The Intractable, known as Divergents. The hunted people whose minds work in many different ways. Considered a threat to the government, thus hide their identity.

Last and least;

The Factionless; those whom do not have the qualifications each faction requires.

Five directions, five options, five factions; Who are you?

Choosing  Day count down:


Total amount of initiates of the year; 6

Dauntless instructor: OPEN

Erudite instructor: OPEN

Candor instructor: OPEN

Abnegation instructor: OPEN

Amity instructor: OPEN



Abnegation:    1 - 0
Erudite:    0 - 0
Dauntless:    1 - 0
Amity:    1 - 0
Candor:    - 0
Total:       6