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Re: Pending Application Forms

von ImaraDemitright am 27.01.2016 02:43

Imara Estella Demitright 

*bowl* *bowl*

Born into:Abnegation 
Age: 16
Initiate or not?: Soon to be Initiate 
Strengths & weaknesses:
+Strong willed 
+Hand to Hand combat (eventually) 
-Over thinks things
- Can be a bit emotional
Likes & Dislikes:
+her siblings 
+being free
-her parents 
- losing those around her.
Fears & Goals
• Fear of needles 
• Fear of losing control 
• Fear of Heights 
• punishment from her parents 
• to do the best she can and then push herself farther
• To join Dauntless and make it through the intiation 
• To eventually settle down with a family.
Parents: Micheal Ray Demitright ( Dauntless Born, Abnegation choosen ) and Hope Lee Demitright ( Candor born, Abnegation choosen)
Siblings: Isaiah Rick Demitright ( 13 year old ) ( brother ) Faith Gina Demitright and Mela Drew Demitright ( 18 year old twin sisters and they choose Euridite )
Choosen Faction:Dauntless
Distinguishable Marking (If applicable): She has a birth mark at the base of her neck that looks almost like a star 
Weapon of Choice (If applicable): Not Applicable 
Describe your character's personality with 50 words minimum:
Imara though born in Abnegation had never been able to pick up the selfless behavior she was supposedly supposed to pick up in her time there. She though does have a short temper that if triggered can be pretty explosive. She can be kind and sweet but it's rare because she tends to keep most of her emotions bottled up. She can often come of as scary if she wants to and sometime does. She is perceptive, full of energy, and focused usually on what is in front of her. Though she tends to be Imaginitive and usually that gets in her way. 
Character's background:
Imara grew up in a family where her parents were transfers. Her father a Dauntless transfer and her mother a Candor transfer. She was raised in your average Abnegation lifestyle though there were the few times that her father would be as one would put it abusive beating her and her younger brother but mostly her. She went through somewhat verbal abuse from her mother usually. Though usually around others there was a mask her parents would put on. So being at the age of 16 Imara knew what she would do because she wanted to get away from her parents. 
Aptitude test results: Inconclusive 
Divergent, Anomaly (incl. Serum resisting & simulation awareness) or neutral:Divergent
Play By: Zoey Deutch 
Anything else you would like to add:


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