Approved Dauntless

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26, Weiblich


Beiträge: 32

Approved Dauntless

von EstelleFisher am 30.12.2014 11:10

                                             List of the approved Dauntless.

Freedom is when you do not have any limitations, and can choose whatever you desire without options.Stelle Fisher 

Antworten Zuletzt bearbeitet am 03.01.2015 07:26 .


26, Weiblich


Beiträge: 32

Fisher, Estelle

von EstelleFisher am 30.12.2014 11:42

                                        Estelle, Maia, Fisher

             Abnegation  Estelle Dauntless

Born into: Abnegation
Age: 16
Initiate or not?: Soon.

Strengths & weaknesses:

+Any weapon in use except guns
+Hand to hand combat
+Hiding Emotions

-Doing as told

Likes & Dislikes:

+Calm places
+Adrenaline rush

-Killing innocents
-Ignorant, rude people
-Needing help

Fears & Goals

• Wonders after death
• Losing her family
• Getting close to people
• Losing self-control
• Elevators getting out of control

• Being happy and proud
• Making her parents proud
• Being an honorable dauntless soldier

Parents: Amelia Fisher (Amity born, Abngeation) Robert Fisher (Abnegation)

Siblings: N/A
Choosen Faction: Dauntless

Describe your character's personality with 50 words minimum:
Like many from Abnegation, Estelle was raised to become a selfless young lady who puts everyone else before her. Unfortunately, as time passed by, Estelle began questioning every other faction, wondering what it was that made those other faction members stay in their faction. What they loved about what they were supposed to do. She started having thoughts she was sure her parents would not approve of and found the dauntless acts rather recklessly exciting. Her parents began noticing the small changes in her, like how she went from quite to curious and how her moves weren't cautious and graceful like other abnegation kids but rather active and relaxed. She considered isolation at one point when she realized that Abnegation was not for her, she couldn't quite figure out why she wasn't like all of them, stiff, calm, doing exactly as told. Unlike many other kids she grew around, Estelle was never afraid of asking whatever came to her mind in class or standing up to the few bullies she came across. Despite her 'out of nature' acts, Estelle is a rather passionate girl who treats everyone fairly unless they get on her bad side. She likes to stay away from wherever a crowd is unless it is important and finds joy in helping those in need and training individually. Kindness comes naturally to her, but so does suspicion which is why she rather cautious as it comes to communication with strangers. Stelle could never consider herself a leader for she chooses her own way and doesn't encourage others to follow her, nor does she follow anyone or agree with the leaders of every faction. She believes that there is no freedom in telling people what to do and which way to choose.

Character's background:
Being the only child of a kind and selfless couple from Abnegation, things were not tough on Estelle apart from the house chores and being kind to those she did not like. As a young girl, she longed for a sibling to play with inside the house when she was not allowed to leave but she didn't mention it to her parents, instead, Estelle made sure to seem rather innocent indoors whilst she did what she thought was right outdoors. Growing up, all the other abnegation kids began questioning if Estelle really was meant for abnegation by her behavior. She tried to help as much as she could, and to her, standing up to the bullies was helping, though she never dared to raise a hand in fear of punishment later on.

Growing up with Abnegation was a bit hard. There were expectations she had to live up to, and she tried. She was selfless, but she never considered herself a 'stiff' as some called her in school. Had she not worn grey clothes, Estelle could've been mistaken as Erudite by the amount of time she spent in the library. Estelle knew, though. She wasn't interested in computer datas or chemistry. She was only interested in their history, she wanted to know where the roots began. Instead of sitting with the rest of the abnegation kids in lunchroom, she would lock herself in the bathroom with a book or observe the dauntless.

Though, Estelle's parents weren't as clueless as she assumed they were. Words spread fast through their neighborhood and only a few months before the aptitude test, they started noticing how distant she became, despite all the questions she asked whenever she pleased. They began noticing how she seemed more active than the average abnegation teenagers and feared that she might choose another faction. The dissimilarity between her and the abnegations was evident, anyone could see that.

When the time arrived, Estelle had to make a final choice and it was clear. She loved her parents more than anything, but they had lived their lives the way they wanted to and she thought it was time for her to live her life the way she pleased. So despite the choices she had been given at the day of her aptitude test, once Estelle walked up to the five faction symbols, she instantly let her blood drip onto the lit coals and left with the rest of the dauntless initiates without looking back. She kept her full name though introduced herself as Stelle and begun her life as a dauntless. Now, she's straining every single muscle she possesses to make it through her initiation.

Anything else you would like to add: Nothing.

Freedom is when you do not have any limitations, and can choose whatever you desire without options.Stelle Fisher 

Antworten Zuletzt bearbeitet am 03.01.2015 11:18 .


26, Weiblich


Beiträge: 32

Williams, Francesca

von EstelleFisher am 01.01.2015 05:19

                                     Francesca Luna Williams


Born into: Candor
Age: 16
Initiate or not?: Soon

Strengths & weaknesses:
+ Skilled fighter
+ Shooting
+ Intellect
+ Her sense of humor

- Her sense of humor
- Holding her tongue
- Throwing knives

Likes & Dislikes:
+ Crowded places
+ Socializing 
+ Learning new things
+ Heights
+ Outgoing people

- Manipulation
- Arrogant & cocky people
- Her judgmental sister
- Her strict mother
- Flying knives

Fears & Goals
• Becoming factionless
• Killing an innocent
• Not knowing enough
• Bleeding to death

• Proving everyone who doubts her wrong
• Becoming a Dauntless Instructor

Parents: Stefany Williams (Erudite born, Candor) Alexander Williams (Unknown possibly dead)
Siblings: Kristin Williams (Erudite)
Choosen Faction: Dauntless

Describe your character's personality with 50 words minimum:
Not much has changed since Francesca switched to Dauntless. She is a rather careless person whom speaks her mind. Though, she doesn't always do as she is told unlike when she was Candor, getting educated by her mother as it came to Divergents. In school, Francesca was competitive. She would always try and reach the average score in tests for the Erudites. Unfortunately, she never did but she always got closer by every test. Francesca was taught to never enjoy attention, by her mother. Her mother had taught her many things and Frankie was grateful, yet she disliked her mother for never being like all the other parents. . And just like all those times her mother was nowhere in sight, Frankie enjoyed the little attention her sense of humor got her. She started conversating more often with those she felt safe talking to. She's rather outgoing and loves to spit jokes from time to time. Though, not many seem to enjoy her sarcasm. It doesn't bother Fankie anyway. Growing up as a Candor, she was taught not to be bothered by what other people say, unless they're deceitful.

Character's background:
Having changed her lifestyle from that of what her mother approved of and she had grown into, it's odd that Francesca doesn't find the Dauntless strange at all. Though living in Dauntless sector is not like back in Candor headquarters. She used to be more of a jokester as it came to her honesty. Frankie despised lying and being lied to, she only ever lied to her mother. But she also dislikes being told the truth brutally, especially if it's someone with evident unecessarily cruel intentions, which is why the young girl never focused on getting to know everyone from her faction. Unlike her older sister whom, to Francesca, was the definition of a despicable person.

Francesca and her sister Kristin were never close. They would fight every single day because Frankie envied how Kristin, with her good looks, was allowed to go out and earn attention whilst she had to sit at home most of the day, learning things Frankie thought was an illusion. She considered her mother whom taught her various things about the society, delusional. But she never dared to say it straight to her face in fear of having to go through the rest of the day with no food. Though, she much rather enjoyed most her time in her room than with her mother or Kristin whom would aways judge her for lying to their mother about not earning any attention at school and not conversating with too many students.

As a kid, Frankie always wondered what it would be like, having grown up with a father around. She assumed that, perhaps, it was the reason why her mother was hard on her. It still never answered the question why Frankie's mother wasn't as hard on her sister. One night, as Frankie was sneaking around in her mother's bedroom, seeking for anything that belonged to her father, she noticed a ripped piece of paper with a manifesto. The Dauntless manifesto.

The day after, she confronted her mother. Slightly frightened but determined. She demanded to know more about her father and why her mother would teach her things about the total population that the school wouldn't teach. She hadn't received the entire truth from her mother, but what she had gotten about her father was satisfying enough considering it came from her mother. Only a month before the Choosing Day, Frankie was certain of where she wanted to spend the rest of her life which is close to her father and away from her mother and sister.

Once she escapes that life, Francesca will switch from her first name to her middle name; Luna Francesca Williams

Play By: Barbara Palvin

Anything else you would like to add: Nothing.

Freedom is when you do not have any limitations, and can choose whatever you desire without options.Stelle Fisher 

Antworten Zuletzt bearbeitet am 03.01.2015 06:23 .


26, Weiblich


Beiträge: 32

Smoak, Thadeus

von EstelleFisher am 02.01.2015 03:32

                                      Thadeus "Thad" Smoak


Born into: Candor
Age: 16
Initiate or not?: Will be soon
Strengths & weaknesses:
+Hand to hand combat.
+Accurate shooting.
+Learns skills quickly

-Lacks a verbal filter
-Rarely takes anything seriously
-Short attention span

Likes & Dislikes:
+Making friends
+Having fun
+Doing new things

-Rude people
-Unnecessary violence

Fears & Goals
•Losing people he cares about

•To make it into dauntless
•Become tattoo artist
•Being happy
Parents: Single dad back in candor. Mother passed away.
Siblings: None.
Choosen Faction: Dauntless
Describe your character's personality with 50 words minimum:
Thadeus, or Thad as his friends like to call him, is what you'd call the embodiment of the candor ideal. Honesty is the biggest trait he looks for in his friends. Were he to be described in two words, they'd probably be outgoing and mischievous. He is an extroverted type of guy who loves making friends with new people and getting to know everyone around him. As is typical, he's what you'd also call a Candor-Smart mouth, and can unintentionally come off as rude or blunt. Don't be mistaken though, it's not something he aims for. Though he would've be fine if he'd decided to stay in candor, his restless and adventurous spirit is what eventually pushes him into choosing a different faction, ie: dauntless. Though at first sight he can come off as cocky, sarcastic, over-confident and occasionally rude, once you get to know him it's easy to realize he's a down to earth guy who can poke fun at himself. He's supremely loyal to his friends, even if it's at a cost to his own well being, and would easily lay down his life for those he cares about.

Character's background:
Thad had a relatively normal life in candor. He easily abided the rules and would've stayed had he not known, deep down, that it wasn't the correct place for him. Honesty, as said before, is the most important thing in his agenda. As many candor, he is also easy to spot a lie. One of his greatest fears when joining dauntless though, is that he'd have to change into something he's not; thus, in a manner of speaking, lying to himself. However, knowing fully well the type of person he wants to be, he isn't easily persuaded to change, nor does he succumb to peer pressure.
Play By: Zac Efron
Anything else you would like to add: N/A

Freedom is when you do not have any limitations, and can choose whatever you desire without options.Stelle Fisher 

Antworten Zuletzt bearbeitet am 02.01.2015 03:33 .


26, Weiblich


Beiträge: 32

Irons, Cadeon

von EstelleFisher am 02.01.2015 04:31

                                      Cadeon "Cade" Irons

Born into: Candor
Age: 16
Initiate or not?: Soon
Strengths & weaknesses:
+Physically powerful
-Sarcastic humor
-Can be aloof at times


Likes & Dislikes:
+Taking risks
+Protecting those in need
-Overly sensitive people

Fears & Goals
•Being manipulated into doing wrong things
•Being unable to discern the truth from lies
•To make it through initiation
•Get a good job in dauntless
•Overall success in life

Parents: Mom and dad back in candor.
Siblings: NA
Choosen Faction: Dauntless

Describe your character's personality with 50 words minimum:
Cade is suspicious of people by nature. Because he was raised in candor, whenever he meets someone, he always assumes they're about to lie to him unless he's proven otherwise. The fact that he came from candor has helped him become, essentially, a walking lie detector. He easily perceives when he's being manipulated or lied to. Snark and sarcasm make him seem like a rude person, and he easily offends people at times. When that does happen, he doesn't care to apologize unless he realizes he really made a mistake, otherwise his mottos is, "I'm just being honest." Though he does tend to emanate a sort of prickly and antagonistic personality, underneath it all he is a person that really cares for others. He is loyal to his friends, and viciously defensive if he senses them in harm. Once you get to know him, he does try and soften his rough edges, though not by much. Another phrase he lives by, and the reason he will never change who he is, would be; "What you see is what you get, take it or leave it."

Character's background:
Cadeon has always known he wasn't meant to stay in candor. While he lived there he followed the rules as much as he could, but if need be, he was able to lie easily and without it being detected. His decision to move to dauntless came as a result of his aptitude test, and also because he's from candor, he's easily able to be honest with himself and know that he doesn't belong in candor. He has an average relationship with his parents, neither immensely close, nor separated. Because they value honesty, they don't mind that he chose to leave to move to dauntless.
Play By: Liam Hemsworth
Anything else you would like to add: Close friendship with Thad, whom he's known since he was a child back in candor.

Freedom is when you do not have any limitations, and can choose whatever you desire without options.Stelle Fisher 

Antworten Zuletzt bearbeitet am 02.01.2015 04:32 .


26, Weiblich


Beiträge: 32

Garth, Kaplan

von EstelleFisher am 02.01.2015 10:12

                                             Kaplan Garth


Born into: Dauntless
Age: 16
Initiate or not?: Soon


Strengths & weaknesses:

+Physically strong

-Takes unnecessary risks
-Worries about others more than himself
-Can be easily angered at times

Likes & Dislikes:

+Honest people
+Training to be better
+Being free to do what he pleases

-Cowardly people

Fears & Goals

•Being powerless
•Getting caught off guard

•To be a dauntless leader at some point
•To gain wisdom

Parents: Both passed away.

Siblings: None.

Choosen Faction: Dauntless

Describe your character's personality with 50 words minimum:

Kaplan was raised as any dauntless, to be fearless and to push the limits. With the death of his parents, he became more protective of those around him; at times, to the point where he'd put his own life at risk to keep them safe. Loyal and devoted, he can't help but care about people in general; whether they're already friends or not, he believes in justice and standing up for those in need. Comically enough, he doesn't take quite the same amount of care when he does things alone. Unafraid to risk his life to pull of daring feats, he's constantly looking for a new stunt to pull, a dare to complete, or a risk to take. When the choosing ceremony comes, he knows he'll stay in his home, dauntless.

Character's background:

Growing up in dauntless, Kaplan always knew that no matter what the aptitude test said, he'd stay in his original faction. Though he is infamous for getting into trouble for various pranks, and for starting fights with other students in the Upper Levels, not many people can guess his true nature. When found alone, Kaplan usually likes to stay in the quieter places of the dauntless compound. Outwardly, he can appear intimidating, but his true friends know that he's actually an easygoing guy that cares for others more than himself. Unlike most dauntless, Kaplan also doesn't readily discriminate or judge people simply by what faction they came from. At school, he'd just as easily be having a friendly conversation with someone from dauntless, as he would with someone from another faction.

Play By: Taylor Lautner

Anything else you would like to add: Don't think so?

Freedom is when you do not have any limitations, and can choose whatever you desire without options.Stelle Fisher 

Antworten Zuletzt bearbeitet am 02.01.2015 10:13 .


26, Weiblich


Beiträge: 32

Grace, Vienna

von EstelleFisher am 03.01.2015 05:57

                                       Vienna 'Nina' Grace


Born into: Amity
Age: 16
Initiate or not?: Will be.


Strengths & weaknesses:
+ Fast
+ Determind
+Skilled shooter

- Hostile
- Selfish
- Rude
- Small build
- Enjoys causing other people misery
Likes & Dislikes:
+ Wild activities
+ Adrenaline rush
+ Hurting people

- Singing
- Peace serum
- Being kind to everyone
Fears & Goals
• Burning to death
• Heights
• Losing bodyparts
• Not making through the initiation

• Making through the initiation
• Living life to the fullest

Parents: Carol Grace (Deceased mother) Joy Grace (Step mother) Nathan Grace (Father)
Siblings: Olivia Grace (Younger sister, amity)
Choosen Faction: Dauntless

Describe your character's personality with 50 words minimum:
Innocent. That's how people would normally describe her. She has an innocent face and aura, though it's all an act. Deep down, Vienna wants to be as reckless, fearless and daring as any other dauntless. Deep down, Vienna hates treating people kindly. Vienna is a girl who will not speak unless necessary or until she is spoken to. Her true colors will show once she has transferred. She can be very rude and opinionated but if anyone by any chance gets close to her, she will treat them differently though her rude comments might still be there every now and then. She's also very determined when it comes to things and doesn't judge any faction, nor does she agree with every faction but amity and dauntless, even though she knows that she truly isn't the kind girl everyone thinks she is.

Character's background:
Vienna is your typical amity girl. Or so she made it seem at least. She's always treated people kindly, even when it hurt her. She always thought she was a dauntless by heart. She loved their way of living life to the fullest. Sitting with a group of people and singing or playing banjo was never her style but she pretended to fit in in order to keep her parents proud of her. Though she knows, once the Choosing Ceremony arrives, she will become a dauntless.
Play By: Ariana Grande
Anything else you would like to add: Not at the moment..?

Freedom is when you do not have any limitations, and can choose whatever you desire without options.Stelle Fisher 

Antworten Zuletzt bearbeitet am 03.01.2015 11:21 .

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